Books of Knowledge and Wisdom  
  The elect shall possess light, joy, and peace; and they shall inherit the earth. Then shall wisdom be given to the elect, all of whom will live and not transgress. To the righteous and wise shall be given books of joy, of integrity, and of great wisdom…Who from these (books) shall acquire the knowledge of every upright path.  
Please Note: These books all have the same content with different covers and designs
Make no mistake, the fourth quarter of these New Epochal Revelations are the Promised Everlasting Gospel prophesied in Revelations John 14  - - - - - - - - - - - Acknowledgment: In carrying out my commission to restate the teachings and retell the doings of Jesus of Nazareth, I have drawn freely upon all sources of record and planetary information. My ruling motive has been to prepare a record which will not only be enlightening to the generation of men now living, but which may also be helpful to all future generations. From the vast store of information made available to me, I have chosen that which is best suited to the accomplishment of this purpose. As far as possible I have derived my information from purely human sources. Only when such sources failed, have I resorted to those records which are superhuman. When ideas and concepts of Jesus' life and teachings have been acceptably expressed by a human mind, I invariably gave preference to such apparently human thought patterns. Although I have sought to adjust the verbal expression the better to conform to our concept of the real meaning and the true import of the Master's life and teachings, as far as possible, I have adhered to the actual human concept and thought pattern in all my narratives. I well know that those concepts which have had origin in the human mind will prove more acceptable and helpful to all other human minds. When unable to find the necessary concepts in the human records or in human expressions, I have next resorted to the memory resources of my own order of earth creatures, the midwayers. And when that secondary source of information proved inadequate, I have unhesitatingly resorted to the superplanetary sources of information.
  Secondary Books and Suggested Reading