

The 5th Epochal Revelation
-The Urantia Papers

THIS Paradise group, designated the Co-ordinate
Trinity-origin Beings, embraces the Trinity Teacher
Sons, also classed among the Paradise Sons of God, three
groups of high superuniverse administrators, and the
somewhat impersonal category of the Inspired Trinity
Spirits. Even the Havona natives may properly be
included in this classification of Trinity personalities
along with numerous groups of beings resident on
Paradise. Those Trinity-origin beings to be considered
in this discussion are:
1. Trinity Teacher Sons.
2. Perfectors of Wisdom.
3. Divine Counselors.
4. Universal Censors.
5. Inspired Trinity Spirits.
6. Havona Natives.
7. Paradise Citizens.
Excepting the Trinity Teacher Sons and possibly the
Inspired Trinity Spirits, these groups are of definite
numbers; their creation is a finished and past event.
Of all the high orders of celestial personalities
revealed to you, the Trinity Teacher Sons alone act in a
dual capacity. By origin of Trinity nature, in function
they are almost wholly devoted to the services of divine
sonship. They are the liaison beings who bridge the
universe gulf between Trinity- and dual-origin
While the Stationary Sons of the Trinity are of
completed numbers, the Teacher Sons are constantly
increasing. What the final number of Teacher Sons will
be I do not know. I can, however, state that, at the
last periodic report to Uversa, the Paradise records
indicated 21,001,624,821 of these Sons in service.
These beings are the only group of the Sons of God
revealed to you whose origin is in the Paradise Trinity.
They range the central and superuniverses, and an
enormous corps is assigned to each local universe. They
also serve the individual planets as do the other
Paradise Sons of God. Since the scheme of the grand
universe is not fully developed, large numbers of
Teacher Sons are held in the reserves on Paradise, and
they volunteer for emergency duty and unusual service in
all divisions of the grand universe, on the lone worlds
of space, in the local and superuniverses, and on the
worlds of Havona. They also function on Paradise, but it
will be more helpful to postpone their detailed
consideration until we come to the discussion of the
Paradise Sons of God.
In this connection, however, it may be noted that
Teacher Sons are the supreme co-ordinating personalities
of Trinity origin. In such a far-flung universe of
universes there is always great danger of succumbing to
the error of the circumscribed viewpoint, to the evil
inherent in a segmentalized conception of reality and
For example: The human mind would ordinarily crave to
approach the cosmic philosophy portrayed in these
revelations by proceeding from the simple and the finite
to the complex and the infinite, from human origins to
divine destinies. But that path does not lead to
spiritual wisdom.
Such a procedure is the easiest path to a certain form
of genetic
knowledge, but at best it can only reveal man's
origin; it reveals little or nothing about his divine
Even in the study of man's biologic evolution on
Urantia, there are grave objections to the exclusive
historic approach to his present-day status and his
current problems. The true perspective of any reality
problem -- human or divine, terrestrial or cosmic -- can
be had only by the full and unprejudiced study and
correlation of three phases of universe reality: origin,
history, and destiny. The proper understanding of these
three experiential realities affords the basis for a
wise estimate of the current status.
When the human mind undertakes to follow the philosophic
technique of starting from the lower to approach the
higher, whether in biology or theology, it is always in
danger of committing four errors of reasoning:
1. It may utterly fail to perceive the final and
completed evolutionary goal of either personal
attainment or cosmic destiny.
2. It may commit the supreme philosophical blunder by
oversimplifying cosmic evolutionary (experiential)
reality, thus leading to the distortion of facts, to the
perversion of truth, and to the misconception of
3. The study of causation is the perusal of history. But
the knowledge of how a being becomes does not
necessarily provide an intelligent understanding of the
present status and true character of such a being.
4. History alone fails adequately to reveal future
development -- destiny. Finite origins are helpful, but
only divine causes reveal final effects. Eternal ends
are not shown in time beginnings. The present can be
truly interpreted only in the light of the correlated
past and future.
Therefore, because of these and for still other reasons,
do we employ the technique of approaching man and his
planetary problems by embarkation on the time-space
journey from the infinite, eternal, and divine Paradise
Source and Center of all personality reality and all
cosmic existence.
The Perfectors of Wisdom are a specialized creation of
the Paradise Trinity designed to personify the wisdom of
divinity in the superuniverses. There are exactly seven
billion of these beings in existence, and one billion
are assigned to each of the seven superuniverses.
In common with their co-ordinates, the Divine Counselors
and the Universal Censors, the Perfectors of Wisdom
passed through the wisdom of Paradise, of Havona, and
except for Divinington, of the Father's Paradise
spheres. After these experiences the Perfectors of
Wisdom were permanently assigned to the service of the
Ancients of Days. They serve neither on Paradise nor on
the worlds of the Paradise-Havona circuits; they are
wholly occupied with the administration of the
superuniverse governments.
Wherever and whenever a Perfector of Wisdom functions,
there and then divine wisdom functions. There is
actuality of presence and perfection of manifestation in
the knowledge and wisdom represented in the doings of
these mighty and majestic personalities. They do not
reflect the
wisdom of the Paradise Trinity; they
are that
wisdom. They are the sources of wisdom for all teachers
in the application of universe knowledge; they are the
fountains of discretion and the wellsprings of
discrimination to the institutions of learning and
discernment in all universes.
Wisdom is twofold in origin, being derived from the
perfection of divine insight inherent in perfect beings
and from the personal experience acquired by
evolutionary creatures. The Perfectors of Wisdom
are the
divine wisdom of the Paradise perfection of Deity
insight. Their administrative associates on Uversa, the
Mighty Messengers, Those without Name and Number, and
Those High in Authority, when acting together,
are the
universe wisdom of experience. A divine being can have
perfection of divine knowledge. An evolutionary mortal
can sometime attain perfection of ascendant knowledge,
but neither of these beings alone exhausts the
potentials of all possible wisdom. Accordingly, whenever
in the conduct of the superuniverse it is desired to
achieve the maximum of administrative wisdom, these
perfectors of the wisdom of divine insight are always
associated with those ascendant personalities who have
come up to the high responsibilities of superuniverse
authority through the experiential tribulations of
evolutionary progression.
The Perfectors of Wisdom will always require this
complement of experiential wisdom for the completion of
their administrative sagacity. But it has been
postulated that a high and hitherto unattained level of
wisdom may possibly be achieved by the Paradise
finaliters after
they are sometime inducted into the seventh stage of
spirit existence. If this inference is correct, then
would such perfected beings of evolutionary ascent
undoubtedly become the most effective universe
administrators ever to be known in all creation. I
believe that such is the high destiny of finaliters.
The versatility of the Perfectors of Wisdom enables them
to participate in practically all of the celestial
services of the ascendant creatures. The Perfectors of
Wisdom and my order of personality, the Divine
Counselors, together with the Universal Censors,
constitute the highest orders of beings who may and do
engage in the work of revealing truth to the individual
planets and systems, whether in their earlier epochs or
when settled in light and life. From time to time we all
make contact with the service of the ascending mortals,
from an initial-life planet on up through a local
universe and the superuniverse, particularly the latter.
These Trinity-origin beings are the counsel of Deity to
the realms of the seven superuniverses. They are not
reflective of
the divine counsel of the Trinity; they
are that
counsel. There are twenty-one billion Counselors in
service, and three billion are assigned to each
Divine Counselors are the associates and equals of the
Universal Censors and the Perfectors of Wisdom, from one
to seven Counselors being associated with each of these
latter personalities. All three orders participate in
the government of the Ancients of Days, including major
and minor sectors, in the local universes and
constellations, and in the councils of the local system
We act as individuals, as I do in inditing this
statement, but we also function as a trio whenever the
occasion requires. When we act in an executive capacity,
always there are associated together a Perfector of
Wisdom, a Universal Censor, and from one to seven Divine
One Perfector of Wisdom, seven Divine Counselors, and
one Universal Censor constitute a tribunal of Trinity
divinity, the highest mobile advisory body in the
universes of time and space. Such a group of nine is
known either as a fact-finding or as a truth-revealing
tribunal, and when it sits in judgment upon a problem
and renders a decision, it is just as if an Ancient of
Days had adjudicated the matter, for in all the annals
of the superuniverses such a verdict has never been
reversed by the Ancients of Days.
When the three Ancients of Days function, the Paradise
Trinity functions. When the tribunal of nine arrives at
a decision following its united deliberations, to all
intents and purposes the Ancients of Days have spoken.
And it is in this manner that the Paradise Rulers make
personal contact, in administrative matters and
governmental regulation, with the individual worlds,
systems, and universes.
Divine Counselors are the perfection of the divine
counsel of the Paradise Trinity. We represent, in fact
are, the
counsel of perfection. When we are supplemented by the
experiential counsel of our associates, the perfected
and Trinity-embraced beings of evolutionary ascent, our
combined conclusions are not only complete but replete.
When our united counsel has been associated,
adjudicated, confirmed, and promulgated by a Universal
Censor, it is very probable that it approaches the
threshold of universal totality. Such verdicts represent
the nearest possible approach to the absolute attitude
of Deity within the time-space limits of the situation
involved and the problem concerned.
Seven Divine Counselors in liaison with a trinitized
evolutionary trio -- a Mighty Messenger, One High in
Authority, and One without Name and Number -- represent
the nearest superuniverse approach to the union of the
human viewpoint and the divine attitude on
near-paradisiacal levels of spiritual meanings and
reality values. Such close approximation of the united
cosmic attitudes of the creature and the Creator is only
surpassed in the Paradise bestowal Sons, who are, in
every phase of personality experience, God and man.
There are exactly eight billion Universal Censors in
existence. These unique beings
are the
judgment of Deity. They are not merely reflective of the
decisions of perfection; they
are the
judgment of the Paradise Trinity. Even the Ancients of
Days do not sit in judgment except in association with
the Universal Censors.
One Censor is commissioned on each of the billion worlds
of the central universe, being attached to the planetary
administration of the resident Eternal of Days. Neither
Perfectors of Wisdom nor Divine Counselors are thus
permanently attached to the Havona administrations, nor
do we altogether understand why Universal Censors are
stationed in the central universe. Their present
activities hardly account for their assignment in
Havona, and we therefore suspect that they are there in
anticipation of the needs of some future universe age in
which the Havona population may partially change.
One billion Censors are assigned to each of the seven
superuniverses. Both in an individual capacity and in
association with Perfectors of Wisdom and Divine
Counselors, they operate throughout all divisions of the
seven superuniverses. Thus the Censors act on all levels
of the grand universe, from the perfect worlds of Havona
to the councils of the System Sovereigns, and they are
an organic part of all dispensational adjudications of
the evolutionary worlds.
Whenever and wherever a Universal Censor is present,
then and there is the judgment of Deity. And since the
Censors always render their verdicts in liaison with
Perfectors of Wisdom and Divine Counselors, such
decisions embrace the united wisdom, counsel, and
judgment of the Paradise Trinity. In this juridical trio
the Perfector of Wisdom would be the "I was," the Divine
Counselor the "I will be," but the Universal Censor is
always "I am."
The Censors are universe totaling personalities. When a
thousand witnesses have given testimony -- or a million
-- when the voice of wisdom has spoken and the counsel
of divinity has recorded, when the testimony of
ascendant perfection has been added, then the Censor
functions, and there is immediately revealed an unerring
and divine totaling of all that has transpired; and such
a disclosure represents the divine conclusion, the sum
and substance of a final and perfect decision.
Therefore, when a Censor has spoken, no one else may
speak, for the Censor has depicted the true and
unmistakable total of all that has gone before. When he
speaks, there is no appeal.
Most fully do I understand the operation of the mind of
a Perfector of Wisdom, but I certainly do not fully
comprehend the working of the adjudicating mind of a
Universal Censor. It appears to me that the Censors
formulate new meanings and originate new values from the
association of the facts, truths, and findings presented
to them in the course of an investigation of universe
affairs. It seems probable that the Universal Censors
are able to bring forth original interpretations of the
combination of perfect Creator insight and the perfected
creature experience. This association of Paradise
perfection and universe experience undoubtedly
eventuates a new value in ultimates.
But this is not the end of our difficulties regarding
the working of the minds of the Universal Censors.
Having made due allowances for all that we know or
conjecture about the functioning of a Censor in any
given universe situation, we find that we are still
unable to predict decisions or to forecast verdicts. We
very accurately determine the probable result of the
association of Creator attitude and creature experience,
but such conclusions are not always accurate forecasts
of Censor disclosures. It seems likely that the Censors
are in some manner in liaison with the Deity Absolute;
we are otherwise unable to explain many of their
decisions and rulings.
Perfectors of Wisdom, Divine Counselors, and Universal
Censors, together with the seven orders of Supreme
Trinity Personalities, constitute those ten groups which
have been sometimes designated
Stationary Sons
of the Trinity. Together they comprise the grand
corps of Trinity administrators, rulers, executives,
advisers, counselors, and judges. Their numbers slightly
exceed thirty-seven billion. Two billion and seventy are
stationed in the central universe and just over five
billion in each superuniverse.
It is very difficult to portray the functional limits of
the Stationary Sons of the Trinity. It would be
incorrect to state that their acts are finite limited,
for there are transactions of superuniverse record which
indicate otherwise. They act on any level of universe
administration or adjudication that may be required by
time-space conditions and that pertains to the past,
present, and future evolution of the master universe.
I will be able to tell you very little concerning the
Inspired Trinity Spirits, for they are one of the few
wholly secret orders of beings in existence, secret, no
doubt, because it is impossible for them fully to reveal
themselves even to those of us whose origin is so near
the source of their creation. They come into being by
the act of the Paradise Trinity and may be utilized by
any one or two of the Deities as well as by all three.
We do not know whether these Spirits are of completed
numbers or are constantly increasing, but we incline to
the belief that their number is not fixed.
We fully understand neither the nature nor the conduct
of the Inspired Spirits. They may possibly belong to the
category of superpersonal spirits. They seem to operate
over all known circuits and appear to act well-nigh
independently of time and space. But we know little
about them except as we deduce their character from the
nature of their activities, the results of which we
certainly observe here and there in the universes.
Under certain conditions these Inspired Spirits can
individualize themselves sufficiently for recognition by
beings of Trinity origin. I have seen them; but it would
never be possible for the lower orders of celestial
beings to recognize one of them. Certain circumstances
also arise from time to time in the conduct of the
evolving universes in which any being of Trinity origin
may directly employ these Spirits in the furtherance of
his assignments. We therefore know that they exist, and
that under certain conditions we may command and receive
their assistance, sometimes recognize their presence.
But they are not a part of the manifest and definitely
revealed organization intrusted with the conduct of the
time-space universes before such material creations are
settled in light and life. They have no clearly
discernible place in the present economy or
administration of the evolving seven superuniverses.
They are a secret of the Paradise Trinity.
The Melchizedeks of Nebadon teach that Inspired Trinity
Spirits are destined, sometime in the eternal future, to
function in the places of the Solitary Messengers, whose
ranks are slowly but certainly being depleted by their
assignment as associates of certain types of trinitized
The Inspired Spirits are the solitary Spirits of the
universe of universes. As Spirits they are very much
like the Solitary Messengers except that the latter are
distinct personalities. We obtain much of our knowledge
of the Inspired Spirits from the Solitary Messengers,
who detect their nearness by virtue of an inherent
sensitivity to the presence of the Inspired Spirits
which functions just as unfailingly as a magnetic needle
points to a magnetic pole. When a Solitary Messenger is
near an Inspired Trinity Spirit, he is conscious of a
qualitative indication of such a divine presence and
also of a very definite quantitative registration which
enables him actually to know the classification or
number of the Spirit presence or presences.
I may relate a further interesting fact: When a Solitary
Messenger is on a planet whose inhabitants are indwelt
by Thought Adjusters, as on Urantia, he is aware of a
qualitative excitation in his detection-sensitivity to
spirit presence. In such instances there is no
quantitative excitation, only a qualitative agitation.
When on a planet to which Adjusters do not come, contact
with the natives does not produce any such reaction.
This suggests that Thought Adjusters are in some manner
related to, or are connected with, the Inspired Spirits
of the Paradise Trinity. In some way they may possibly
be associated in certain phases of their work; but we do
not really know. They both originate near the center and
source of all things, but they are not the same order of
being. Thought Adjusters spring from the Father alone;
Inspired Spirits are the offspring of the Paradise
The Inspired Spirits do not apparently belong to the
evolutionary scheme of the individual planets or
universes, and yet they seem to be almost everywhere.
Even as I am engaged in the formulation of this
statement, my associated Solitary Messenger's personal
sensitivity to the presence of this order of Spirit
indicates that there is with us at this very moment, not
over twenty-five feet away, a Spirit of the Inspired
order and of the third volume of power presence. The
third volume of power presence suggests to us the
probability that three Inspired Spirits are functioning
in liaison.
Of more than twelve orders of beings associated with me
at this time, the Solitary Messenger is the only one
aware of the presence of these mysterious entities of
the Trinity. And further, while we are thus apprised of
the nearness of these divine Spirits, we are all equally
ignorant of their mission. We really do not know whether
they are merely interested observers of our doings, or
whether they are, in some manner unknown to us, actually
contributing to the success of our undertaking.
We know that the Trinity Teacher Sons are devoted to the
enlightenment of universe creatures. I have arrived at
the settled conclusion that the Inspired Trinity
Spirits, by
superconscious techniques, are also functioning as
teachers of the realms. I am persuaded that there is a
vast body of essential spiritual knowledge, truth
indispensable to high spiritual attainment, which cannot
be consciously received; self-consciousness would
effectively jeopardize the certainty of reception. If we
are right in this concept, and my entire order of being
shares it, it may be the mission of these Inspired
Spirits to overcome this difficulty, to bridge this gap
in the universal scheme of moral enlightenment and
spiritual advancement. We think that these two types of
Trinity-origin teachers effect some kind of liaison in
their activities, but we do not really know.
On the superuniverse training worlds and on the eternal
circuits of Havona, I have fraternized with the
perfecting mortals -- spiritualized and ascendant souls
from the evolutionary realms -- but never have they been
aware of the Inspired Spirits, which ever and anon the
powers of detection resident in the Solitary Messengers
would indicate were very near us. I have freely
conversed with all orders of the Sons of God, high and
low, and they likewise are unconscious of the
admonitions of the Inspired Trinity Spirits. They can
and do look back in their experiences and recount
happenings which are difficult to explain if the action
of such Spirits is not taken into account. But excepting
Solitary Messengers, and sometimes Trinity-origin
beings, none of the celestial family have ever been
conscious of the nearness of the Inspired Spirits.
I do not believe the Inspired Trinity Spirits are
playing hide and seek with me. They are probably trying
just as hard to disclose themselves to me as I am to
communicate with them; our difficulties and limitations
must be mutual and inherent. I am satisfied that there
are no arbitrary secrets in the universe; therefore will
I never cease in my efforts to solve the mystery of the
isolation of these Spirits belonging to my order of
And from all this, you mortals, just now taking your
first step on the eternal journey, can well see that you
must advance a long way before you will progress by
"sight" and "material" assurance. You will long use
faith and be dependent on revelation if you hope to
progress quickly and safely.
The Havona natives are the direct creation of the
Paradise Trinity, and their number is beyond the concept
of your circumscribed minds. Neither is it possible for
Urantians to conceive of the inherent endowments of such
divinely perfect creatures as these Trinity-origin races
of the eternal universe. You can never truly envisage
these glorious creatures; you must await your arrival in
Havona, when you can greet them as spirit comrades.
During your long sojourn on the billion worlds of Havona
culture you will develop an eternal friendship for these
superb beings. And how deep is that friendship which
grows up between the lowest personal creature from the
worlds of space and these high personal beings native to
the perfect spheres of the central universe! Ascending
mortals, in their long and loving association with the
Havona natives, do much to compensate for the spiritual
impoverishment of the earlier stages of mortal
progression. At the same time, through their contacts
with ascending pilgrims, the Havoners gain an experience
which to no small extent overcomes the experiential
handicap of having always lived a life of divine
perfection. The good to both ascending mortal and Havona
native is great and mutual.
Havona natives, like all other Trinity-origin
personalities, are projected in divine perfection, and
as with other Trinity-origin personalities, the passing
of time may add to their stores of experiential
endowments. But unlike the Stationary Sons of the
Trinity, Havoners may evolve in status, may have an
unrevealed future eternity-destiny. This is illustrated
by those Havoners who service-factualize capacity for
fusion with a non-Adjuster Father fragment and so
qualify for membership in the Mortal Corps of the
Finality. And there are other finaliter corps open to
these natives of the central universe.
The status evolution of Havona natives has occasioned
much speculation on Uversa. Since they are constantly
filtering into the several Paradise Corps of the
Finality, and since no more are being created, it is
apparent that the number of natives remaining in Havona
is constantly diminishing. The ultimate consequences of
these transactions have never been revealed to us, but
we do not believe that Havona will ever be entirely
depleted of its natives. We have entertained the theory
that Havoners will possibly cease entering the finaliter
corps sometime during the ages of the successive
creations of the outer space levels. We have also
entertained the thought that in these subsequent
universe ages the central universe may be peopled by a
mixed group of resident beings, a citizenship consisting
only in part of the original Havona natives. We do not
know what order or type of creature may be thus destined
to residential status in the future Havona, but we have
thought of:
1. The univitatia, who are at present the permanent
citizens of the local universe constellations.
2. Future types of mortals who may be born on the
inhabited spheres of the superuniverses in the flowering
of the ages of light and life.
3. The incoming spiritual aristocracy of the successive
outer universes.
We know that the Havona of the previous universe age was
somewhat different from the Havona of the present age.
We deem it no more than reasonable to assume that we are
now witnessing those slow changes in the central
universe that are anticipatory of the ages to come. One
thing is certain: The universe is nonstatic; only God is
There are resident on Paradise numerous groups of superb
beings, the Paradise Citizens. They are not directly
concerned with the scheme of perfecting ascending will
creatures and are not, therefore, fully revealed to
Urantia mortals. There are more than three thousand
orders of these supernal intelligences, the last group
having been personalized simultaneously with the mandate
of the Trinity which promulgated the creative plan of
the seven superuniverses of time and space.
Paradise Citizens and Havona natives are sometimes
designated collectively as
This completes the story of those beings who are brought
into existence by the Paradise Trinity. None of them
have ever gone astray. And yet, in the highest sense,
they are all freewill endowed.
Trinity-origin beings possess prerogatives of transit
which make them independent of transport personalities,
such as seraphim. We all possess the power of moving
about freely and quickly in the universe of universes.
Excepting the Inspired Trinity Spirits, we cannot attain
the almost unbelievable velocity of the Solitary
Messengers, but we are able so to utilize the sum total
of the transport facilities in space that we can reach
any point in a superuniverse, from its headquarters, in
less than one year of Urantia time. It required 109 days
of your time for me to journey from Uversa to Urantia.
Through these same avenues we are enabled to
intercommunicate instantaneously. Our entire order of
creation finds itself in touch with every individual
embraced within every division of the children of the
Paradise Trinity save only the Inspired Spirits.
Presented by a Divine Counselor of Uversa.